Thursday, October 12, 2006

Still with the three sweaters in three months challenge...

Dear Cynthia,

I was so glad to hear about all of your knitting. How was it to knit the square for the lizard ridge blanket? I LOVE that blanket, and even considered making one for myself, too...though decided that I won't have time to teach myself how to knit backwards until after Christmas...but I am anxiously awaiting a picture of your square, once your computer is feeling better, of course!

My exam is over, so I'm not cramming for the time being, though given the current state of the house and the clean underwear department here, I ought to be putting some effort into some housework. However, Hardangervidda must be worked on when dh is not here, and so I must... persevere.... Here is the body of it, just beginning. I've fallen a little bit behind my "two skeins per week" goal, though once I get to *neverneverland*, after the lower colorwork is done, and before I begin the upper colorwork, I should be able to catch up and sprint ahead.

To distract you from the fact that I don't have a lot of new knitting to show you today, here is the book I found at the "half price books" store a week or two ago. It is Alice Starmore's "Pacific Coast Highway", and it became mine for $5.98. I showed it to dh at the store, and he was unimpressed. When I got home, I looked for it on eBay, and there was a bid as high as $68.00 for another one just like it -- soft cover, gently used. THAT impressed him. However, it is unlikely that I'm going to sell it anytime soon...

Well, time to throw a load of laundry in the washer.
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)

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