Thursday, October 05, 2006

Again with the I Love You sweater...

Dear Cynthia,

I'm sorry to hear of the pain you are experiencing in your arm...even if it is mostly while you're working and not as bad while you're knitting...but I hope that it resolves quickly. Also, total bummer about your computer. I hope that "put a rush on it" doesn't mean "kill the hard drive" in some kind of crazy computer guy code language. So happy about your new camera, though!!

I may check "sew one dinosaur costume" off my my to-do list. My four year old is very happy (and that makes me happy, too).

The "three sweaters in three months" challenge is quite interesting. I can work on the sweaters for the kids while they are in the room, except for the part in which I'm working the circle square triangle part, because then they'd start asking a lot of questions. I can't work on the Hardangervidda while dh is around at all, because then he'll ask, "What are you making now?" And the sweater for me has been put on the back burner, but I've been working on it in the evenings when we're all together in the living room, because everybody would know that "something's up" if I just sat there without knitting at all.

In any case, the second circle (I) square (love) triangle (you) sweater has a completed back, and this afternoon I just finished setting up the intarsia. Here it is from the back, in all of its "five butterflies plus two balls of the main color" glory, after completing the first intarsia row. It looks rather innocent lying there all untangled, though the second I pick it up, some detangling fun really begins. I'll just keep reminding myself that it is only for 16 rows (well, technically only 15 left, now that the first row is complete).

Well, that's the knitting news from God's country, on a spectacularly cool and sunny day in which the leaves are changing colors, falling to the ground, and just making me feel so great to be alive.

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)

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