Monday, September 11, 2006

My technology level drops further....

Dear Laura:

Well, the weekend before last, my digital camera died and so I've been unable to take pictures to post. This past weekend, the modem in my laptop died, further limiting my posting! I'm down to posting text during my lunchhour.

The good news is that the repair is covered under the extended warrenty that I've purchased. The bad news is that I have to send it away for repair. They have a good reputation for returning it quickly, but not having my computer at all, even for a few days, is very unsettling.

Seems my brother may have a point. He says that "they" are just trying to get us dependent on our electronics, and then one day, "they'll just pull the plug and we'll all be helpless!" I obviously have dependency issues!

Somehow, I still haven't found much knitting time. I have just about finished the first of three rounds of crochet border around the blanket. I finished the first sock of a pair that I've been working on, and gotten about 1/2 of the cuff on the second sock done. It's been my "lunch-time" project, so it is progressing. The weather has been getting cooler, so it's great to get a new pair of warm socks!

I really wish I could have gone to the WI Sheep and Wool festival with you! That sounds like such a wonderful time. And I LOVE the yarn you chose! Great colors!

I'm so glad you had someone offer to help with your tire. I also had a flat tire a couple of weeks ago, of course in the pouring rain. I called my brother to see if he was by chance still in town and could come to change it. He had already gotten home, but offered to come back to change it if I wanted him to. I started to say that I could do it, and then realized that, bottom line, I wanted him to! I was dressed up for work, and he works outdoor-construction, so there wasn't any sense in my laying in the parking lot trying to set the jack. I paid him with a case of beer and we were both happy!

Keep knitting - and may all your tires be "round!"


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