Monday, September 25, 2006

Knitting like crazy...

Dear Laura:

That's what I was up to this weekend! I decided that I could stay up late on Friday night, since I would be able to sleep in on Saturday. So I knitted until the second Fuzzy Foot was done. Ta-da!

I'll try to felt them this week, when my SIL is available to be the foot mold. I've made these out of leftover "Lambs Pride" from the afghan project. Since I'm two-years late with this graduation gift, I decided that the least I could do is to provide matching slippers! My niece and her mom where the same size shoe, so I can have her mom help make the 'extra' a surpise.

I also worked on my striped socks - I finished a couple of inches of the cuff, and then turned the heel. I still have a few more decreases around the gusset, and then I'll be heading for the toe.

I picked up some Cascade 220 tweed that was laying around ;) and started a hat for my God-daughter Maggie. I made purple mittens for her last year, and her mom made her a scarf with Blackberry Ridge Tropical Fish in worsted weight. I had some of the same color-way in a sport weight. I'm making my pattern for a reversible contrasting hat, although I'm having to convert it to the heavier weight yarn. I'm going to double the sport weight for the variagated half - I hope that will "equal" the worsted weight of the Cascade.

I started with the Cascade portion, and got to within a couple of inches of finishing. However, because I spent so much time worrying that it would be too small, and therefore threw in a "few extra increases," I've discovered that I've gone too far with it. The hat is supposed to be 18-19" around, and it's a good 22-23." When will I learn? I do this ALL the time. A hat on a 16" circular always "looks small" and so I second-guess myself and end up with a hat that is too big! Rather than frog this, I'm going to finish it off as an adult hat, and start over on the one for Mags. Good thing I had 2 skeins of the Cascade in the stash...

As you may have discerned, I spent most of the weekend in my chair, knitting. I did get laundry done, and I did my big cooking for the up-coming week, so I was not a COMPLETE slug. But I do love a quiet weekend....

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka DesignatedKnitter)


^Rip-it^ ^Rip-it^

Before making a final decision on the hat, I put in a lifeline and tried the hat on. It's too big for me. Which means the only person it could possibly fit is a guy, preferably one with a large head. However, I do not know any guy who would wear a lavendar hat. I'm not saying there are no guys who would wear it, just that I don't know them.

So I frogged back to where the increases would give me 96 stitches.

Moving on....


  1. I love those slippers! I've made two pairs, but the second ended up going to my daughter because I felted for too long. I'll probably be making another pair before Christmas.

  2. Fun about the fuzzy feet!

    Bummer about having to frog the hat....

    Thank goodness it's a *hat* and not a Fair Isle long sleeve sweater for Brad Garrett.....
