Monday, August 07, 2006

In a hurry -- Gotta run.....

Dear Cynthia,

There has been plenty-o-knitting around here lately, and I have photos to prove it, but Blogger is not allowing them today, and to be honest, they weren't all that exciting, anyway......

The design I submitted to Knitty made its way into the "maybe" pile, requiring a few revisions for reconsideration, so I've been working away on that. I want to add, also, that Elizabeth (Stash Amassed Beyond Life Expectancy (SABLE) -- isn't that a great knitter's acronym?) came to my rescue by offering to take some MUCH better photos of the existing piece which I submitted. If you haven't checked out the patterns she has for sale on The Garter Belt, it's definitely worth a peek over there. They have four designers, and some wonderful and practical patterns!

In addition to that, I started my Christmas knitting. I've almost completed the back of an "I love you" sweater for my three-year-old. It is NOT going to say "I love you" on it, but I'll explain more about the design, which will appear on the front of it, when time permits. Right now it looks a lot like the back of the Big "A" sweater which I made for my nephew, a pattern which I promised to post, and will, though I am test-knitting it right now as I make this new sweater.

And, the Foulard is still moving along, and each row is SHORTER than the previous row, something I never experienced on the Summer in Kansas, but something which I have to say I like! Here I am at about 120 stitches per row.

I'm trying to get this posted in a hurry, because I still have a lot to get done today before we leave for our vacation tomorrow morning. DH and I are celebrating our ten-year wedding anniversary this week, so our boys are going to Grandma's and Grandpa's house for a few days (and they are so excited about the fun they will have that they don't even seem to have figured out that this is a nice arrangement for DH and me, too). We're going to Door County (on Wisconsin's peninsula, and just beautiful from what I'm told -- the Cape Cod of the Midwest, with rocky cliffs, etc -- truly GOD'S COUNTRY!!) until Friday, so I won't have computer access for a few days.

Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! Have a lovely time in Door County.

    Oh, congrats on the knitty submission! I have my fingers crossed for you.
