Friday, July 14, 2006

Baby Shower Central!

Dear Laura:
I had to laugh when you titled your last post, "Party Central." I've been refering to my place as "Baby Shower Central!"

One of my nieces is due to have her first baby on August 6, and so my sil's and I are giving her a baby shower this Sunday. At my house. Did I mention that I'm leaving today for St. Louis???

Early in the spring, I agreed to drive one of my friends to St. Louis for a conference (in exchange for gas money and a baseball ticket!). I planned on staying with Ross for 2 nights and then come home Sunday evening. However, when we started planning the shower it turned out that this Sunday was the only date that would work. So, I'm driving down today, going to a ballgame, having breakfast with Ross tomorrow and then driving back home to finish preparing for the shower!

I've worked really hard over the last week, getting as much done ahead as possible, so I'm really not concerned. (I even washed windows! A little last minute-sweeping and furniture arrangement, make little sausage appetizers and punch and we should be good to go.

And of course....knitting! I'm making booties for the prizes. I have 2 pair done, and the yarn for 2-3 more in my bag. I have a 6-hour drive down there and a ballgame, that's plenty of time for booties! Heck, I may even knit a hat or two by Sunday!! ;)

Sorry I don't have any pictures yet....I hope to post the whole batch when I get home.......

Have a happy party!!

Keep knitting,

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

1 comment:

  1. I can vouch for that!!! She was soaring through those at knit-in!!!!
