Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Baby Bootie Bounty......

Dear Laura:

I hope that your birthday party was a smashing success! The baby shower for my niece went really well - I was pleased. I peaked a little early with the preparations. The shower started at 3:30, and at 3:00 I sat down to wait for guests to start arriving. That's the way I like things to go!

Here is a picture of the result of the "bootie knitting frenzy!" 3 pairs, all ready to be wrapped as prizes. The top pair was from a pattern I got from Knitting to Go which was a gift from my good friend Lauren at Knitting at Lunch.

The other two pair are from a pattern that I discovered on the "Free Patterns" site. (Hmm, wonder how I knew about that!?!) I love this pattern! I knit one bootie looking at the pattern, and the next 3 from memory. I love a pattern that makes that kind of sense! And actually, the gauge of my yarn on the last pair was bigger than the first pair, so I reduced the pattern by approx 1/3...and it worked out great!

I had a great trip to St. Louis - lots of driving in 2 days, but that's how I finished the booties, so that was fine. Besides the baseball game, I enjoyed a visit with Ross, who sends his greetings. I skipped out of town just before it got REALLY hot!

Now I am back at work on the shawl. I've managed 8 rows in the last 24 hours - at 476 per row, that's not bad! I'm on row 77 of 190 - but remember that I'm not planning to make it the full width of 60". I think I might be done somewhere around row 124....but I'm not nuts enough to count up how many stitches per row it will be at that point!! (I only calculated my current stitches per row so that I could report it to you!)

Keep knitting!!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

1 comment:

  1. Those little booties are so cute! I am glad you are enjoying that knitting "book" i got you! :D
