Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Dear Cynthia,

First, thank you for your vote. I was honored and humbled in being nominated in the Amazing Lace contest (link on side bar), and though I think my chances at finishing in the top three this time around are slim, I'm just thrilled to be one of the six finalists in Challenge #2. (I went against the advice of my dad years ago in high school when I was involved in a similar type of "election", and didn't even vote for myself.) It has been a LOT of fun!

It turns out that dish rags are a great companion to take to soccer class. I can hold a conversation with other moms as I knit, and watch the kids in their class. Perfect. I even overherd some women sitting a few yards away from me talking about signing up for some crochet class years, I'm not sure if they know that I was not, indeed, crocheting (not that there's anything wrong with that), or if they were just commenting on their own experiences with yarn?? In any case, in the spirit of "each one reach one", I'll be watching to see if anybody else picks up yarn and needles in the next couple of weeks during soccer.

Dish rags, particularly "Grandma's Favorite", have some meaning for me. About 15 years ago, while living in Fort Wayne, my grandma stayed with me in my apartment there for one night. I taught her how to make the "standard" dishrag pattern, because she thought they were "just beautiful." It was the first time I ever saw her knit, though she had considerable knitting experience. It was a fun time for us, sitting there, and both knitting simple dish rags. In any case, now she is suffering from Alzheimers in a nursing home and for a couple of years has not known who I am. It is so ironic, because "memories", and saving "memories" were always so important to her. She gave me no less than two big scrapbooks while I was growing up, to make sure that I would "capture" events from my childhood, and she often talked about when she was a young girl. And now, she has been stripped of most of her memories. She still knows her own (grown) children (on most days, anyway), but it's hard for me to visit her when many of the things I remember about her and associate with her are no longer known even to her. I'm not sure where her mind is right now, but I can only hope that she is happy.

But I digress..... It's the dish rag.... Running total updated in the side bar in my finished objects section.

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)

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