Thursday, May 04, 2006

Of blocking and swatching....

Dear Laura:

Hurray for guilt-free knitting! I'm glad that lab test is behind you, and that the shawl is going smoothly. It's beautiful!

I had to laugh when I read about the DNA in your sweater! It seems I'm always connecting life to CSI. I had to be fingerprinted for a background check on a job application, and besides thinking "Wow, now I'm in the system" I kept thinking, "Hmm, if they end up doing an autopsy today, they'll have to figure out the traces of fingerprinting ink on my hands..." Anyway, now they would just have to determine the content of the loose fibers which no doubt are on my clothes and furniture....hint: usually Merino!

I finished my sockapaloooza socks on Tuesday. Since they're for an exchange, I did all the official stuff: kitchnering the toes, blocking...things I don't normally do. (My socks become shaped when I put them on!) I am still not a fan of kitchner. I took your advice and kept it loose until the end, but found that tightening the tension at the end was very frustrating, and the last few stitches didn't look even. I tightened as I went on the second toe, and it looked better, but I'm still leaning toward the three needle bind off. But I hate to have a technique "beat me...."

Thanks for the great sock blockers! They worked really well, see??

Since the socks are done, I've been working on the baby blanket. And I can't have only ONE I began the process of a baby sweater. I brought the yarn, needles, and some books with me, and it was a lovely day yesterday, so I did the prelim work outside.

The yarn is that hand-dyed mohair/merino blend from Maple Creek Farm that I got at the Michigan Fiber Festival last year. The ball band doesn't have any gauge/needle information, so when I needed to choose needles, I tried a new tip I'd heard. I doubled the yarn and passed it through the holes of a needle gauge until I found the smallest one it would fit. Ta da - size 3 needles!

I found a pattern in a Debbie Bliss book that I have from the library. I wasn't sure if I was looking for inspiration or a pattern, but in the end, I decided to follow the pattern My stitch gauge was fine, my row gauge is a little off, but I can make the pattern adjustments for that. So, swatching done and pattern chosen. And the baby to wear the sweater was born yesterday to my niece Amanda. A new baby girl, Lydia Marie!

Keep knitting,

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

PS - Yes, let's work out the winner...and I have an idea for the prize!


  1. You have so many babies in your family! How will you ever keep up? I am excited to see this baby sweater pattern when you come back to indiana and back to the real world.... are you ready for some FORMS????? YAY!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lauren:

    I know - and there is still at least one baby on the way!!

    I live for forms!!
