Tuesday, April 25, 2006

New and Improved...

Dear Cynthia,

Without even sobbing, I ripped out the Blackberry Ridge Nubby Wool sweater and started again. I revised the design a little bit, so not only will it actually fit this time (not sure what went wrong with my gauge the first time, but I think I have a better handle on it now....because an entire sweater except for one of the sleeves is an incredibly large and time consuming "gauge swatch"...I have learned that I am getting 4.2 stitches per inch, whereas I originally thought I was getting 3.75 stitches per inch)....but also, I changed the ribbing on the lower edges to be 2x2, which I think looks better with this thick yarn. I'm also going to add ribbing in the underarm areas of the body, for just a little bit of "shaping".

Well, not much time for blogging today. I have another appointment at the clinic, this time for something which rhymes with "slammogram" and somehow seems more fitting to be called that..... It's just another fun activity for which I may thank the process of aging. (Who knew there would be such fun in my 40's?) And, there is a large homework assignment looming over my head which is due on Thursday. (Only three? more weeks of class, I think....)

Warm regards,
Laura (aka YarnThrower)

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahaha... slammogram. How appropriate!!! Good luck on the revised sweater. I am not very faithful with making gauge swatches, but I think I am learning how important they are!
