Monday, April 10, 2006

Just thought I'd mention.....

Dear Cynthia,

I went to the bookstore on Saturday, and I purchased a book! This is not my normal behavior, as most people who know me accept that I am a bit, er.... "thoughtful" with most purchases, thrifty, and perhaps bordering on the edge of tight-wad-ism. And regarding books, I generally tire of them after I've checked them out of the library for a couple of weeks and am happy to return them without any outlay of cash. Saturday was different. I wanted to discover what was inside the covers of the Yarn Harlot's latest book, and I bought it because it is something I'll be able to refer to again and again. It sort of gives the basics for making plain vanilla scarves, shawls, hats, etc., and offers tips for embellishments. Included are estimated yardages required for various sizes and gauges, and also some tables indicating what typical sizes might be, which will be helpful when I finally make my dad a black scarf and begin to wonder if a width of 12 inches is normal. Guess what! It is! In any case, I couldn't let it go completely un-noticed that the author of this gem of a book, whose picture appears on the front of it, with knitting, and with yarn wrapped over a finger in her right hand, appears to be a yarn thrower. Ahem...not that anybody is keeping score or anything.

In other things which may or may not be going un-noticed, I am wondering if other people using other blog readers might be having the same post from our blog mysteriously popping up at the top of the list day after day. For some odd reason, the post "Second verse same as the first" keeps rising to the top. It will go to a lower position in the list for a few hours, but then somehow it ends up at the top of the heap again. I am thinking about just deleting it. Of course, then my computer might explode.....

Well, I have a very big test on Wednesday, and this time I'm really serious when I say it is going to take away from my knitting time. It's a huge amount of material (I never knew that lungs and kidneys were so complex), so free moments until Wednesday night will be filled by boring old studying (except, maybe, I might knit a few rows on my sock)... I promise to have a more interesting post toward the end of the week!

By the way, you may already know about this, but the new Knitty is up!

Warm regards,
Laura (aka YarnThrower)

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick note - I have had the same frustration with that post always popping to the top! I don't understand why.....
