Monday, March 20, 2006

Too Little Knitting Progress.....

Dear Laura:

I have so very little to report, and I have to tell you that it turns out if I don't get enough knitting time over the course of a week, apparently that makes me very cranky. So to those of my friends who think that yarn is so expensive that knitting CAN'T be cheaper than therapy, I have this to say. "If you would have been around yesterday, you would have been happy to buy me yarn!!"

"Hmm, that merino helped a little, throw in a ball of the cashmere!! And some Inox circulars!!"

Just sayin'.

So I've added up my production for the week.

The glowing orange scarf, plain garter stitch, I knitted a whopping 5".

(You'll have to take my word for it - Blogger just will not upload the picture...)

The glowing red baby blanket (really reddish yarn and a flash don't mix) I progressed another 1 1/2" for a total of 4".
Actually, I did knit another few rows but they had to be ripped out. I worked on this on Thursday night when I taught the second session of a mitten class.

Turns out I can't work on this project if I'm doing it between talking or demonstrating something. I did 3 yarnovers instead of 2 near the end of a row, and didn't discover it until 2 rows later. Negative progress!!

And finally, while I worked at the yarn shop on Saturday, I started a Panta with Lana Grossa Pashmina. It's a wonderful yarn, but it is pretty pricey, and so to help encourage sales I'm trying to knit a project that takes only one skein. I'm sure I'll get the Panta, and I hoping for some wristlet or fingerless mitts also.

I've really enjoyed seeing your WIP's and re-work projects. I do remember that trip where you got the green yarn, and I'm glad it's going to be put to good use! The striped cotton sweater looks great too! It's funny that you knit with cotton so much more than I do - I started out being the one who loved it, and now I very rarely knit with it!

And I completely support your starting a new project at the Urgent Care, er...Waiting Place.

I'll try to post my unfinished projects soon, but my real issue is stash....I "enhanced my stash" again over the weekend.

And I have a guild meeting tonight....

And I'll be driving past my favorite Chicago yarn store on Saturday....



Keep knitting,

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

1 comment:

  1. I must comment on the incredible softness of that Pashmina yarn..... Cynthia if you come to work wearing the Panta on your head, I will be rubbing your head all day. Just to warn you. :)
