Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Smiles and chuckles!

Dear Laura:

I'm glad to hear that you get a smile from my posts - I have to say that the chuckles that I get from your posts last a long time. I still laugh every so often when I think of you climbing in the van and announcing to your sons that "I'm bringing my knitting!"

Ok, ok, I've listed most of my WIP's at Designated Knitter. (I haven't dug really deep to find things that may be in process, so I'm not saying it's complete. In fact, I found a couple pair of socks on the needles this morning when I was taking pictures.) For you. My stash. Not all of it, mind you! I never promised anyone full disclosure.

But before we are a dear friend and I would hate to mock you....but...I'm gonna do it anyway. You call that a STASH??? That's a stash-lette! Stashish. Petty stash. You cannot insulate a house in Wisconsin with that puny amount of wool. We definitely need to do some stash enhancement for you.....

Ok. I'm done now.

I have stash. I'm not going to display all my stash. Not going there. But, in the interest of expanding my boundaries....I give you my sock stash. Roll up your bandwidth and get a cuppa tea....

Yes, this represents 21 pairs of socks. (More if I knit for kids and babies, but let's not go there...)

First of all....old sock yarn. Been in the stash for awhile. This represents "conservative socks." Things I could wear to work. Calmer colors. Seven pair.

Three more pair.
Been in the stash a long time - brighter colors.

And here's a pair from my very first Stitches in Minneapolis - somewhere there is also a pattern to turn these into Norwegian socks.

And I could knit them now....I just haven't yet...

Next up we up we have Blogger refusing to load pictures again. So, we will try again tomorrow to finish the sock stash!

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

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