Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One wip down, ???? to go

Dear Cynthia,

Your baby sweater/hat/blanket set is adorable, and I love how the buttons really finish it off so nicely. Also, your red and white striped scarf is so nice. Is it any coincidence that IU will be playing in the NCAA tournament this week, and you have a new scarf sporting IU colors to wear? Of course, we could also argue that it is Wisconsin colors...

I finished my socks which were languishing in second sock syndrome for hmmm....How long, I don't know. In any case, I was trying to get two socks out of one skein (210 meters, 7.5 st/inch gauge) of fortissima colori (hey, it was on sale, only one was available, etc). It is NO accident that the ankle parts of the socks, the heels, the gussets, and most of the feet are color matched. It IS an accident that the system broke down near the toes. I ran out of yarn, and so, since I had to cut so much yarn off before starting the second sock in order to get to the part of the color repeat that matched, I had some yarn I could use to finish the toe. Barely enough. Phew and thank you. I don't recommend the one skein thing if it has only 210 meters in it to be knit at this gauge.

In any case, I found a quick and easy solution to the toes not matching:

Well, my five-year-old is home sick today (well, he actually is feeling quite well enough to pick on his little brother), so I'd better get back to my station as a referee.

More soon. I was so inspired by your posting of so many finished objects that I have my Campus Coat almost completed. More on that in my next post..... Also yet to come at some point, a full disclosure of all remaining wip's...and a compilation of projects in my stash. That's something I've been wanting to figure out for a long time... I can't wait to begin my shawl! So cool that you're going to be making one, too!!

Warm regards,
Laura (aka YarnThrower)

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, it's not so much about IU colors or UW colors. Most importantly, they are CARDINAL Colors! Go Cards!
