Thursday, February 02, 2006

Two Pickers and a Thrower

Dear Cynthia,

Today I taught some ladies in my Moms' Club at church how to knit. We each had a skein of yarn. I was demonstrating how nicely the yarn will pull from the center of the skein.

I don't think anybody was convinced. Out of four new skeins, none of them worked the way they are supposed to.

In any case, I taught both American and Continental styles of holding the yarn, and two of the three knitters naturally gravitated toward Continental. To be fair, one of them has been knitting Continental style for a while, but had twisted stitches. I know that sounds familiar to you. Perhaps it is part of the learning curve for all Continental knitters. In any case, in my small sample, that's 67% pickers and 33% throwers -- information I thought you might appreciate.

Today everybody learned how to cast on and "knit". Next week, the lesson will be on how to "purl". That means I have to brush up on how to purl holding the yarn in my left hand. Any tips you might have on this topic would be very much appreciated!

Warm regards,
Laura (aka YarnThrower)

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